Food Photography

By Studio X. July 01, 2018
Is your photo worth 1,000 words or only a few likes?

Is your photo worth 1,000 words or only a few likes?

Quick, name one of the most challenging jobs out there - short of being a doctor in residency…

If you guessed restaurateur, you were correct! It might be the only other field that we can think of requiring work days that can start before dawn and end after midnight, with failure rates that don’t align with the blood, sweat, and tears that go into running a successful restaurant. To all those restaurant owners, we understand your pain, admire your nerve, and the size of your ...

Unless you’ve been recently mentioned in some elite publication, you face the same challenge every other restaurateur faces - how to fill more seats, serve multiple courses, have guests order your inventive cocktails, and get noticed.  

Almost everyone (short of my 84-year-old mom) is addicted to their phones and social media. You see it every single day, individuals passing the time by mindlessly scrolling through social media accounts, only stopping to look when the photo grabs their attention; going out to eat, but first taking pictures to post. Eat it already, right?!

So how are you taking advantage of this? Are you paying enough attention to the power of social media and its ability to influence where someone makes their next reservation?

To capture someone’s attention (which is shorter than a goldfish), you need mouth-watering photos of your delicious food and cocktails, engaging pictures of your team, and photos of your restaurant. You need THE photo that will make someone stop scrolling and engage with your post. And if they tag a friend to see your newest lobster poutine, a delectable dessert or inventive cocktail? You have influenced their decision-making process.

Having professional photos will bring your food to life, tempting potential diners to make a reservation and existing customers to come back and try your newest food and cocktails. In addition to photography, you need to consistently respond to diner's questions, reviews (even ones that seem untrue), and share on a regular schedule. We can help you do all of this and more - like get more holiday parties booked!

Are you considering a fresh approach to your social media? See the work we’ve done with R2L and call us today at (215) 255-6955 to find out what we can do for you!

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