A great website isn’t the end. It’s just the beginning.
Did you just get the most perfect site built (possibly by us)? Since it looks better than your competitors, is mobile friendly, and has all the answers your visitors are looking for, you’re done, right? Wrong!
Google factors in a site’s activity when ranking your website in their search results. A website that hasn’t been updated in a while will typically rank lower because Google assumes it’s a dead site. The solution isn’t to continually change your site’s content. The reality is the details of your products or services aren’t changing overnight.
Keep your website from dying an expensive death.
You just spent months and a lot of money having your website built or updated. How do you keep Google from viewing it as dead? The answer to that is simple: blogs. These are a great way to establish your voice, provide updates or news to your customers, and keep your website fresh.
Keep your topics relevant to your business.
People run to the internet to find answers, and as an established business, you have the opportunity to be the one to answer the questions of your potential customers. Consider how you can solve your customer’s problems with your products or services and let that lead you to your topics. Be wary - Google is strict about “nonsense” content. Its crawlers* want high-quality, relevant content and if you don’t deliver – you’ll be penalized.
Posting frequency is important.
You have a job, and it’s probably not blogging. So if you can write one great blog post a week, you’re doing great. But as the old saying goes – the shoemaker’s kids never have shoes. It’s easy to let something like blogging slip to the side when you focus on running your business. If you don’t know where to start or find it difficult to keep up, we can help. We write blog posts for our customers ranging from legal guidance to fitness topics!
Don’t know where to start?
Is the idea of writing your own blog posts overwhelming? Our expert marketing specialists can take the lead. Connect with us today to learn more by emailing letsdoit@studioxphl.com or calling us at (215) 255-6955.
*Crawlers are Google’s “cyber spiders” – these spiders crawl (or read) every website on the internet to determine what it’s about and if Google should consider showing a website’s content when one of their users Googles something.